I had this idea to make some cup cake pincushions after seeing an idea of making a felt cake pincushion. I have been working with lots of felt and I also have some ribbing from some old wool sweaters so I used the felt to make some delicious cupcakes. They look pretty enough to eat but don't try, (you might get dry mouth!)
I will give you the instructions to make these cute treats!
Cut 2 pieces of felt about 3inches wide and about 20 inches long. Fold them both in half and then lay them on top of each other. Use the one that you want to show the most color on the bottom of the stack. Roll them up together decreasing the roll so that the middle is higher than the end.
Once you have it rolled together sew a seam on the edge to keep them together. Use straight pins to keep it together while you sew.
After you have it sewn together use a sweater cuff or a piece of ribbing sewn together to make a tube. Sew it inside out and sew a seam around the edge of the unfinished cuff.
Fold the cuff down over the top and then use a small amount of batting to fill the hole that is left by rolling at an angle.
Fill the hole with the batting and cut a circle of felt to match the bottom of your cupcake.
I used hot glue to put the bottom on but just glue it around the edge of the cuff to the batting,(if you get too close to the edge of the felt it oozes out and doesn't look as nice.

Then cut a small circle of red felt and sew a running stitch around the edge of the felt. I put a small Styrofoam ball in the middle to help it hold it's circle shape. Then pull the thread tight and sew back and forth on the bottom to hold it tight. Knot it at the end and then use hot glue to put the cherry on the top!
Then embellish it with whatever you like. I had some little felt flowers, rick rack, ribbon, and of course you need the sprinkles for the top of the cup cake. If you have straight pins that have a colored ball on the top it makes a great pincushion! You can also cut a piece of magnet in the shape of a circle and glue it on the bottom of the cup cake to pick up all of the dropped pins that you have.
On this one I used just a strip of felt to make the ribbon. Then I had another idea on how to display these cute cupcakes.
I had made a trip to the DI to find some things I needed for my projects and I saw these plates and bowls and thought what cute cake stands they would make. I turned the bowls over and used some 9001 glue to glue the inverted bowls to the bottoms of the plates.
This glue is super strong and is waterproof so you can use it on the cake plates so you can wash them later. (I don't think I would wash them in the dish washer though.) I thought they turned out pretty cute for putting any kind of sweet treats and for $2.00 for the larger one and $1.50 for the smaller one you can't beat the price! These cupcakes were very easy to make or I should say easy peasy to make and once you start making them you will just want to make more!
Have Fun making these sweet treats!

I am linking to Cupcake Tuesday!
Very cute mother dear!! You need to do some spell checking though. ;)
You know I really dislike this new posting from blogger because there is no spell check.
Are you under html or compose? Because I still have spell checker. I think if you are under compose it gives you the option.
This is so cute!! I love it. I am going to feature this next week. I am working on a gift for a new sewer and MOPS leader and this is exactly what I am going to give her. Excellent tutorial!
My goal this year is to make everything homemade and this is a great gift. On the 20th of every month I have a linking party to show off our homemade gifts I would love for you to link up!
how very cute. they are made similar to the cake pin cushion i made fro the diydish web site.
OMG! I am obsessed with cupcakes!! I am totally going to have to make one of these! I am saving it in my "to make" folder!! You did a fabulous job!
Oh, thank you so much for this. My daughter just had her 2nd sewing class and she's been admiring the cupcake pincushions they have on display at the shop. I kept telling her we could make them, but hadn't looks for a tutorial yet. Now I have yours!!
I featured these this week. :-)
Drooling over those pretty cupcakes! Too bad I don't have such thick felt ...
Just came across your blog and love the cupcakes! I am sharing your link on my blog quiltedpecan.blogspot.com. I am currently offering a free block of the week dollhouse quilt pattern. Thanks for an awesome idea!
These are great and I thank Crystal Ernst for leading me here. Didn't like that the first three comments were about spell checking though! I'm a picky reader and I only saw the cute project.
Oh! and I love the idea about the cake stands! I've wanted one for years. 9001 glue is new to me. Thanks!
hiya , what cute cupcakes and no calories yay ! i also love you guest bath makeover and i adore the butterfly cnavases you made and i will be borrowing this idea x tfs ps i love your blog name so i am off for another look around , i am taking part in your blog hop and i came here via amaze me monday and i am following hope you migh visit me and do the same
These are so cute! I would love it if you would link this up to my I Love Fridays link party :)
Oh my goodness, these look amazing!!
Great job! ~ and thank you for the great tute!
This is adorable. Just love it. And I pinned it. And not just because I'm hungry ....
... just saying ...
Che cosa mi dici se provo a rifarli?Posso citarti nel mio blog?Mi รจ piaciuto questo post e mi sono incuriosita nel farli..Grazie per il tutorial..Fammi sapere
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