Last week I came into our computer room/office when I saw this, and realized I needed to do a little organizing. I looked at all the books that we have and realized that most of them have not probably been touched in several years.
I went through the books and did some downsizing, ( I know after looking at this picture there are still many books, but some of them I could not part with, so they are still here. I decided to put my pictures on the top shelf, ( the top shelf held my hubby's Louis L'Amour collections, I think he has every single one!) I asked him if he ever reread them and I knew the answer. He has a mind that can remember every detail in a book after reading it just once. He loves Louis L'Amour but after reading it once he can't read it again because he knows what is going to happen. He couldn't part with them so I boxed them up and they went in the archives. ( in the loft in our shed.)
Because I re arranged the book case I had to clean off the desks, ah, I feel better! We spend so much time in this room and it becomes the clutter catch for many things.
I even organized the hubby's side. (I wish I would have taken a before pic.) He usually doesn't like my organizing because he says, he has organizations in his massive piles of papers. I organized everything in the file cabinet though and if he remembers what paper it was, it has a slot in the file cabinet.
Hers and His, we each have our own with our own printers and it is a great arrangement. (You may notice a pile of books under my desk, I'm not stock piling them but decided to sell some of them on E bay and see what happens.) I'll let you know what sells.
More books under the other side, some are sold and some are waiting to be sold.
There is just something about organization and Spring, they kind of go together.
I probably need to organize the closet. (That's why it is closed.)
There is a "trickle affect" in organization, once you start, you see so many more opportunities to ORGANIZE!
but it feels good to have this space a little more organized!

I love the way your bookshelves look! I would love to have an office with that much space for books. Some day! I'm a new follower :)
I would have to agree with Andi...
I love your shelving too!!
I am planning on building shelves similar to help with organization... Some day!!
A suggestion of what to do with any unsold books,
You can donate them! I don't mean to the thrift stores, but to a homeless shelter or something.
I choose to donate my books to "books behind bars"
which sends the books to prisons for the inmates to
I'm a new follower following from a hop!
Doesn't it give you such a feeling of accomplishment to look at the finished product? :D I was picking up today and had collected about three pairs of my husband's shoes. When I went to put them away I see that his closet has shoes piled on top of shoes. A real bug a boo of mine. I pulled them all out put the cowboy boots that haven't been worn in 15 years and I am not sure why he has them because nobody around here wears cowboy boots, a pair of garden shoes and his dress shoes that he wears with a tuxedo, also something that probably hasn't been worn since our daughter's wedding and tucked them in another off season closet. I straightened and organized what was left by color or level of dressiness and stood back and had to admire my work too.
Thanks for sharing. I always love hearing from you.
Your space looks so clean and orderly, Donene. I love organizing any time of year. And I'd have more time to do so, IF I wasn't constantly cleaning and reorganizing the Yankee's stuff. lol
Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday again this week.
Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage
Now THATs some spring cleaning! I bet it's great having a dual office space that size. Thanks for linking up!
Spring Fling linky party
Now you have me in the mood for spring cleaning! Yay spring. :-) I wish I could catch the organization bug!! Looks great!! thank you for sharing at Uncommon!
Bonnie :)
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