Here they are working their little tails off.
Now in order to work with them you need to be protected, because they really don't like anyone messing with their hive. Actually though Mr Honey said that they were very docile bee's and weren't very aggressive so he felt a little safer.
Here is Mr. Honey taking out a couple of the honey frames.
Some of those little workers didn't want to let go of what they had worked so hard making.
Almost have all of them off.
Now, let's get another one.
Here is one of the frames full of delicious, sweet smelling honey! It is amazing to me that those little worker bee's make all of this honey and also the wax cells to keep it in the frames! They are quite the fascinating little creatures.
Here is the honey after being drained in a bowl, we had another step which I didn't get a picture of, but we then strained the honey through a cheese cloth so that we were able to get every bit of wax out of the honey.
Now to sample this sweet treat you will need some whole wheat bread to go with it!
There is not quite anything like fresh home made bread out of the oven with home grown honey to go on top! Oh, YUMMMMMM!
Thanks "Honey"!