Monday, May 30, 2011

Do you think you need a winter hat on Memorial Day?

 I hope everyone had a very happy Memorial Day weekend!  We have been out of town for a few days having fun in Island Park (just outside of West Yellowstone.)  Before I left I wondered what weather of clothes I should pack. I decided to throw in some winter clothes because who knows what the weather will be like in the mountains.  I am sure glad that I did because it was pretty much winter the whole time we were there.
Here is a picture off of the deck of the cabin we stayed in. Yes, the die hard fishermen in my family still went out on the lake fishing!

I guess the fish don't mind the cold because the fishing was successful!

Even the bears were in the snow!

We spent most of the time inside or if we were outside we were bundled up! 
Come on! It is almost the first of June! 
At the last minute I threw in this hat that I had been working on.

It is knit and I liked the band that wrapped around and buttoned. I kind of made up the pattern, but liked how it turned out.

On my early morning runs this hat was greatly appreciated by my ears.
I have another hat that I have been working on.

This one was a special order for a little girl whose Dad is a BIG UTAH fan!
He can't wait for football season to start so his little princess can wear this.( I bet after this weekend he didn't have to wait!)

I made up this pattern as well and used an eyelash yarn to crochet around the edge. I then used my embroidery machine to make the "U". (Can I tell you how much I love that embroidery machine! It makes sewing so much fun!)
I hope your Memorial Day weekend was warm, and dry, because mine sure wasn't!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Easy Peasy Cupcakes

Yesterday we received these yummy treats from a friend and I remember making these when my children were little. I had forgotten how cute they are and how yummy they are to eat.  Who doesn't like cupcakes?
I was going to get a picture of the cute bow tied over the top but before I could Mr. Jones found them and couldn't resist. (hence the one missing.)

I put them on a platter and served them for dessert for Sunday dinner.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw them.

They just say spring! After frosting them with lemon butter cream frosting take some kitchen shears and cut a large marshmallow into 4 slices.  Before attaching the marshmallow petals to the cupcake, sprinkle them with any sugar colored sprinkles of your choice. Then stick the petals onto the frosted cupcake and put an M&M on the center for the center of your flower.
Lemon Butter cream frosting:
1/2 cup butter
2 cups of confectioners sugar
1 tsp of lemon extract
1/4 cup of milk
Mix all of ingredients together and beat until creamy.
Frost your cupcakes and enjoy!

They make up quite quickly and the cute flowers look like you really put some extra thought into these cute treats!

Go ahead, make some cupcakes, deliver them to someone you love and watch them smile!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One year later

I can't believe that it has been one year since I took this before picture! I can remember taking this picture and thinking WOW, I need some help! I started Living the Life one year ago and it has made such a difference in my life. I am more physically fit, I feel healthy, and I have energy to do everything that I want to do and more.  I have lost 43 pounds in this last year. When I took the after picture I had lost 27 pounds in the first 12 weeks!  Over the rest of the year I lost the rest. After the first 12 weeks I stayed on doing
Phase 2, 3, and 4.  I love the food that I eat and have found that it is quite easy to eat healthy.

I bought a new swimsuit this spring, actually it was for my birthday, (yes, I am a year older and actually feel younger than I did a year ago!)

I do the workouts 4 to 5 times a week and I now have definition in my arms that I didn't think was possible a year ago.

I think I am going to stay on Living the Life!

My least favorite before photo was my back side, I can actually look at this one now.

Here is a sampling of all of the yummy food that I get to eat every day. (Doesn't this food look delicious!)I eat 5 to 6 meals a day and I can definitely see that my metabolism has increased.  If you would be interested in this program just click here.  If you want to try the 7 day free challenge click here, and you can start Living the Life too!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Royal Mom

For the last little while all I have been seeing and hearing was news on the Royal Wedding. It has been interesting to watch and see the fairy tale unfold. It was fascinating to watch the customs of the British common wealth. I was trying to figure out what I should do for my Mom for Mother's day and all of this royalness kind of got my mind to thinking. The most Royalty in my family would have to be my Mom!  I decided to make her some towels for my "Queen Mom."
I got to work with my embroidery machine and made these for her.
I used different crowns and made her three so she would always have one clean to remind her of who she is to me.

I added some more pampering items in a box.

of course chocolate was included.

And also one of my felt cupcakes. If you missed out on how to make these go here.

I wrapped it up in a Royal box.

With of course a Royal bow and gave it to my Royal Mom.
I want to tell you about my Mom. We have always been best friends and all through my life she had always been someone that I looked up to and could also share my life's problems and successes. She has supported me in everything and then when I had children she supported them in every game or activity that they had. It was great that she supported my children when we lived so close but when we moved an hour and a half away she didn't miss a football, basketball, or track meet then either. She is an amazing Mom and she has friends wherever she goes, I think I can go almost anywhere, even out of the country and she will find someone that she has a connection with. (I guess if you are royalty that is the way it is.)  The last few months she has a new battle to conquer, she was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's lymphoma and will have her 3rd chemo treatment next week. Her hair is starting to fall out and she now sports this very short doo. I told her she sports it quite well and she is still so beautiful. I love her and know that this battle with cancer is one that she will beat.  She is a survivor and has always shown me that when things in life get hard you just need to try a little harder. I love you Mom and hope you liked your Royal gift.
Happy Mother's Day!