Saturday, December 11, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

 I have been working on my neighbor and friends gifts today and I wanted to show you how cute they turned out.  I had seen this idea last year and thought how cute and easy they would be.  So I will share how I made these.

First you will need some 2 liter bottles of pop, a white tube sock, a black small stocking cap, some felt, and some buttons.

Pull the tube sock over the bottle leaving the open top at the top, (so you can still pour out your drink without disturbing the snowman.)  Roll down the sock around the neck of the bottle.
Put the hat over the top of the bottle and use buttons for the eyes and down the front. Cut some strips of felt and fringe the edges.  I actually tied on the scarf first so I would know where to put the eyes and the buttons down the front.

For the nose I used a rolled piece of orange felt.  

Stuck it in the middle of his face.

The felt was about 3/4 of an inch wide by 6 inches long and I cut it into two pieces making a long triangle and start rolling from the wide end and hot glue into place.

Glue the buttons on, add some cute little pink paint circles for his cheeks and you have a cute snowman!

You can use this tag to attach to your snowman, just click on the above picture and "save as" somewhere on your computer.  It was quick and easy and a great gift idea!
Bring on the snow!!


  1. OK those snowmen are adorable and such a unique idea. Thank you for sharing with us.


  2. I think I can actually do this:) Such a cute, fun idea! Thanks!

  3. Super cute! I may have to do this for our gifts.

  4. OMG!!! Soooo cute! What a great gift! Haha! I just love their sweet little faces!

  5. Those are so adorable and it adds such a cute touch to such a simple, non-mess-up-my-whole-kitchen kind of a treat! Love it!

  6. Those are too cute Donene!! :)

  7. what a cute and easy idea! Thanks so much for linking up to Ladybug Blessings Handmade Tuesdays!

  8. These are so cute!! I want to be your neighbor! I would be thrilled if you stopped by my Commercial Break Thursday at and linked this project!


  9. These are adorable! I may have to add these to my 'to-do' list!
    Shantel @

  10. That's so cute. I need to add it to my list for next Christmas!

  11. So cute! I love the snowmen army!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

  12. These are adorable, Donene! What a cute idea for a kid's party, too! Thanks for sharing the how-tos and linking to the party.

    Have a blessed Christmas with your loved ones!

    Please be sure to come by and enter my fantastic year-end giveaway. Click the picture in my sidebar for details.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  13. We made these when I was a Girl Scout troop leader way back in the 80's and the gals had so much fun. Have to say that ours didn't turn out anywhere near as cute and I absolutely adore that "carrot" nose.


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