Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oh, my Eyeballs!!

I was in one of my favorite thrift stores the other day and I had an idea! I first had thought of using some balls to make my idea but when I saw these I thought how great it would be if I could make them into lights!
I found these fixtures, sorry I had taken the round white globes off to wash them but you will see them later. Then I needed to find a wooden base to put these lights on, I found this assortment of wooden items and thought they would look great stacked.

Here are two of the wooden bowls stacked, glued together and a hole was drilled down the middle to put the electrical cord through. I bought two, 6 foot cheap extension cords and cut off the end with the plug ins on and left the end that use to plug into the wall. (I actually had some help with this part from my own personal Electrical Engineer, thanks Ryan!)

Take the end of the cord that you cut off and use some yellow wire nuts to attach the wires to the light.

This was the finished globes!

I used glass paint on the white globes and painted an eyeball. I used yellow paint and a red sharpie to make the eyeball veins.

Here are the bases that are now painted black and purple.

I tried them in the window at night to look out on all who might dare to enter!

Then I tried them on a shelf and it almost looked like a face with the Jack o lantern as the nose.

These were the original idea and I made these out of the $1.99 balls that you get in the super market. I used paint and vinyl to do the eyeballs.

Because these balls were already a swirled, blue and yellow, they were perfect for the eyeballs. I used paint and a sharpie on these as well to make the veins.

I attached black duct tape to the top to make the hangers and used some wire hanging stands that I already had! I love how they turned out and I especially like that the one pair of eyeballs light up!!


  1. Very creative! Your decorating never ceases to amaze me.

  2. SUPER CUTE!!! Loved it in the windows.

  3. Awesome project - they look really great! oh and my mom is doing your diet after I showed her your blog!

  4. these are freaking awesome!...i love 'em!...

  5. Love them in the window-have fun!!!

  6. Oh my gosh! Those eyeball lamps are seriously the coolest Halloween project I have seen, bar none. I want to make some so bad! (I don't have an electrical engineer around though... so I don't know...)
    Great job!! Super super cute.

  7. These are so cool! I've never seen anything like them!! How creative!

    I'm hosting a link party so get your best cocktail recipe ready and dust off those glasses! Join the Happy Hour link party this Wednesday!!

  8. What a cute idea. I was at a thrift store the other day and saw some of these light fixtures wondering what I could make with them. I might just have to go back and get them now!

  9. Very cute idea!

    Submit them in my Handmade Halloween Contest - starts now!

    Party and Entertaining Inspiration

  10. this is so cute! If you have time come link up any projects to Handmade Tuesdays @

  11. I don't actually decorate for Halloween - but these eyeballs make me want too!!

  12. Wow! those are really cool! What a great, fun idea!

  13. Your eyeball lights look like they came from a demented Muppet. *Love*

  14. Love the large eyeball lights! Makes me want to run out to the thrift store now and do it too. You mentioned using vinyl on the large eye ball balls? How did that work exactly and where do you buy the vinyl?

  15. WOW! LOVE LOVE LOVE this! So creative!!! Would never have thought to do this, and what a perfect lamp for Halloween!

  16. Thanks for linking up with me @scrapaddict4sure

  17. Those eyes are adorable. You are very talented.
    Thank you for sharing your post.

  18. This is one of the coolest things I've seen. Totally solves a problem I was having with another project. Changing gears and making that project an eyeball light!

  19. I love these! Than hanging ones are my favorite because I am not sure I can do the wiring for the others. I did an eyeball craft this week to...night lights for the kiddos. Isn't Halloween fun? :)

  20. Ingenious! I love em. I could see building a whole monster around them with green furry bathmats.

  21. That is the coolest thing I have seen for Halloween. Thanks for sharing.

  22. these are really fun! Something I never would have thought of. Thanks for sharing!

  23. Those are the best Halloween project I've seen yet!!! Fantastic!!! :)

  24. Love these, newest follower

    love you to share the love

  25. TOTALLY awesome! Very cool!
    You should come link this up at my Making It With Allie Party!

  26. soooo coool! Love both sets of eyeballs!!!

  27. That is sooo creative, Donene! They look amazing in the window at night. I'm sure this idea is going to fly all over Blogland.

    Thanks for linking to my party. It's fun to see what you link up each week.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  28. So unique & clever! I'll be featuring this at this week's Craftastic Monday - be sure to grab a featured button:)

  29. These are amazing! So creative! You should enter them in my sister's "DIY Halloween Contest". She's giving away great prizes! Here's the link to her contest:

  30. wow those are awesome... you are so creative! thanks for joining us at a crafty soiree... love to see you again on thursday

  31. Great minds must think alike! :) I saw gazing eyeballs in Grandin Road's Halloween catalog and KNEW that I had to make a set of my own! I bought two white globes from the thrift store but figured with Halloween almost here, I'd make them for next year - thanks for the second dose of inspiration - I will surely have a pair to share next Halloween :)

  32. So COOL!! "Eye" see what you did there. :-) Love it.

  33. Your eyeballs are AWESOME!!! How totally cool and oh so clever!!!


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