Thursday, November 21, 2013


I made a pattern for these cute little slipper boots.  I was going to make them look both the same but decided to make a different version.  Then when I got done I was going to make a matching pair.  After putting the 2 together I thought they looked cute with the 2 different versions.

I guess I am kind of like that though, I'm not totally symmetrical and have always liked something a little bit different.

I thought because my hubby is SUCH a symmetrical person that these would bother him, but believe, it or not he liked them this way too.

I think it is fun to just look down at your feet and see both of them smiling up at  you.  (I think a little kid would like it too.)

This is a fun pattern and would make a great Christmas gift for some cute little toes,  if you want the pattern you can find it here;

It's kind of cold and blustery today, maybe I should make some to fit my feet!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Thanksgiving craft

Each year after Thanksgiving dinner the women make some type of craft.  Ever since last year when I pinned a mason jar snow globe, I knew we should make these for this year's Thanksgiving crafting project.  I have been saving bottles, all types, not just mason jars and here is my take on bottle Snow Globes.
I took the first picture outside and this is what was out there before I started taking photo's.  I think she wanted to see what I was doing!

I put them on the window sill of my office and they really are pretty with the sun shining through the bottles, but it is hard to take pictures on a window sill, the lighting is not what I see with my eyes.

I spray painted the lids a pewter silver, collected different little trees, snowmen and deer.  I hot glued the little trees to the bottom of the lids and them added the snow and glitter.

Oh, I see why that deer was looking at me funny, she was wondering how I got that big buck into this tiny jar! I also hot glued a little snow flake to the top of the bottle.

These jars don't have the water in them, but they are still just as cute and you can still shake them and the glitter flutters all over the jar.

Some of these jars had fruit, chili sauce, or olives, in them, just find a cute shaped jar and use whatever you have.

I turned some white bowls upside down to give some them some more height.  As you can see the one jar had a wooden top and I just left it like it was.

this one has a little deer in it as well, but it is hard to see.  It was hard to find a tree this small so I just cut off a tip from an old garland and made my own tree and sprayed it with snow in a can.

When I took the small little jar outside, it must have had some moisture in it because it fogged up and I had to open it up and let it dry a little more.

I'm liking this easy project and I hope those that come on Thanksgiving will have fun making them as well.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Changing to Fall

October has come and gone and I realized I hadn't taken any pictures of Halloween!  I have taken the Halloween decor but wanted to show you how easy it is to transition to Thanksgiving.  I usually decorate for Thanksgiving because I don't like to jump right into Christmas, besides the Fall is so beautiful and I love the leaves, acorns, and colors.

So, here is my table for Halloween.

My mantle.

I liked the look of all of these jars.

Here is the top of my piano, and do you remember this eye lamp I made out of a DI light? Still love it.

Here is the top of my buffet.

and more of the piano.

I changed the mantle just a bit and made this banner from burlap ribbon.  It was not very hard because I just printed off the "Give Thanks" from my computer. (Just a word document, use the font that you would like and make a double space between each letter.  Cut them out and ink the edges and voila! you have your letters.  I actually stitched around them with my sewing machine.  I found that it is easier than gluing and I like the look.)

Now the table, using the same bottles but changing what is in them to a Fall look.

A pumpkin, leaves and acorns to fill the cloche.

I used jute to string the burlap banner and tied ribbons between each letter.

The pumpkins and gourds were some old ones that I had, I spray painted them ivory and used and old paintbrush and rust brown paint to flick the little spots on them.

Hung a garland of leaves and lights beneath the banner.  Raided my husbands deer and elk horn pile, spray painted the horns the same ivory white and love the look!

Changed the buffet just a bit with some oldies but goodies.

Now I'm ready for the rest of the Fall!