Sunday, September 26, 2010

Oh, honey!

 This last week we, well I should say my "honey", decided it was time to harvest some honey. This last year Mr. Honey decided to buy some bee's so we could make sure that our fruit tree's were pollinated.  He has worked with bee's before and has found them quite fascinating and wanted to try it again. There isn't really a lot to do after you get the bee's except to set up some bee boxes and then let those little busy bee's go to work. They have been working their little tails off all summer and we needed to harvest some of their work.

Here they are working their little tails off.
Now in order to work with them you need to be protected, because they really don't like anyone messing with their hive. Actually though Mr Honey said that they were very docile bee's and weren't very aggressive so he felt a little safer.

Here is Mr. Honey taking out a couple of the honey frames.

Some of those little workers didn't want to let go of what they had worked so hard making.

Almost have all of them off.

Now, let's get another one.

Here is one of the frames full of delicious, sweet smelling honey! It is amazing to me that those little worker bee's make all of this honey and also the wax cells to keep it in the frames! They are quite the fascinating little creatures.

Here is the honey after being drained in a bowl, we had another step which I didn't get a picture of, but we then strained the honey through a cheese cloth so that we were able to get every bit of wax out of the honey.

Now to sample this sweet treat you will need some whole wheat bread to go with it!
There is not quite anything like fresh home made bread out of the oven with home grown honey to go on top! Oh, YUMMMMMM!
Thanks "Honey"!

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Winner!

Guess what?? I won!!!! 
 I can't thank my blog land friends enough! You all are the best!
If you want to know what the contest was all about go here!
So the winner of my contest is.....

Jennifer was the 7th person to comment. Jennifer will you please contact me so you can claim your prize! If she has not contacted me by September 26th, a new winner will be chosen!
Thanks so much for all of your support and votes!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!!

I just wanted to give a big THANK YOU, to all  who voted in the Kristi Approved contest. I was overwhelmed with all of you who took the time to vote and to comment on my picture. I have had many questions sent to me about what the Kristi Approved program is and how I did the diet. Earlier in the spring, I was feeling like I just didn't have any energy.  My clothes weren't fitting and I  just felt pretty blaaaaah about myself. Sure enough, when I stepped on the scales, I was heavier than I have ever been! I needed help!!! My daughter had e-mailed me about the Kristi Approved plan and I took the 7 day challenge. To my amazement I lost 3 1/2 pounds the first week. I ordered the program and began the diet in May. Twelve weeks later, I had lost 27 pounds.  I have since lost 31 pounds total and have been able to stay at that weight.  I lost 6 inches from my waist and 7 inches from my hips. The food that you eat is  healthy well balanced meals and you eat about 6 times a day. The plan also gives you the work outs for the week. I feel better than I have in a long time and have more energy than ever. It is a great feeling!  If you want to know more you can try the 7 day challenge, which is totally free. I would recommend this because you will be able to tell if you can stay on this nutrition plan. You can find out more about the 7 day challenge by clicking here.  If you would like to find out more about the Kristi Approved diet and workouts, click here. There is a "Live the Life" plan for women, click here. There is also a "Live the Life" plan for men, click here, to find out more.
    Again, thanks so much for all of you who took the time out of your busy schedules to vote! I am feeling very loved and feel great appreciation for all of you!!!
Thank you so much!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Trying some new textures on hats!


Now that Fall weather is coming, I am really feeling like it is getting time to get some more hats going! I have tried several with some different yarn and textures and like how they are turning out.

This one is warm and fuzzy and multi colored I embellished it with a cute pink felted flower.

My cute little model liked this one, I think because it was so soft.

Here is another one done in a chunky variegated yarn and of course the flower gives it the little "pop" that it needs.

This one is just a simple crocheted hat with a ribbon weaved through it, I like simple sometimes.
This one was an experiment. I tried using some strips of fabric that I joined together and then crocheted into this hat. I had some blue and white  knit and added some yellow knit fabric to it. I then added a fabric flower that I had made.  It definitely gives a new texture dimension, rather than just yarn. It was fun to try some different textures and I had the perfect little model to try them out on.
What do you think?

Monday, September 13, 2010

A little shrug and a great contest!


First of all I have a big request! Do you remember my before and after pictures? Well, if you don't you can go here to see them. It is still hard to look at my before pictures and think that others are looking at them too! The huge big favor that I am asking of you all to please participate in my contest by voting for me in the "Kristi Approved"contest. They are having a contest and in order to win, you need to be the person with the most votes! Well, I am going to have a contest for my blog. Let's call it a contest within a contest. If I win, I will also pick a winner from those of you who vote for me and give you $50 cash!!! Do you think this is a bribe? Well, it probably is, but there will be a winner here for sure if I win!  All you need to do is click on the following Face Book site, Kristi Approved . Then at the top of the page  there is a "like" button. Just press that button first!  Then go down the left column and find  "4 of 14 photos by others" and click "See All" just to the right.  I am the one in the black bathing suit at the end. Then click on my picture and leave a comment that you vote for me. (Remember, you have to click the "like" button, so they can make sure you only voted once). You will only get to leave one comment, so when I win I will use to pick a number and that number will win the $50 in cash!!!

Now on to the cute little shrug that I knitted!
I decided to try my hand at knitting something other than hats, so remember this is my first attempt!
I had this cute little model to wear it!
She liked it but it was sure hard to get her to hold still.
The pattern was pretty easy and it didn't take long to make.
Help, my bow is slipping!

Oh, what fun it is to make cute little things for cute little models!
Have a great day and please, don't forget to vote!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

and the winner is...

 The winner of my 100 followers contest is...

True Random Number Generator





Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Would you choose the leather headband?

Or the baby sun hat?

Or maybe the felted child's hat?

 The number picked by random .org was 27! So, Robyn who shared it on Frou, Frou, please contact me with what you want as your prize! If I don't get a response I will choose another winner!
Have a great Saturday!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Time for a cupcake!

I have a give away going on so if you haven't entered go here!
I have some more hats to show you and because I love cupcakes I decided to make a cup cake hat! I made up this pattern and I think I would make some adjustments to it next time like making a 1x1 rib for the brim instead of a 2x2 rib.
I like how it turned out and I especially like the cute little model I had!
Little sprinkle beads were sewn on the top and the cherry was made out of red felted wool.

Of course she had to have one of my felted wool cupcakes to go along with it!
She is not sure if she should put that to her mouth or not.

Here is another little flower hat that I made up.
and another cute little model!
She is now ready to go to town!
Hope you all have a very happy day! Why not go shopping!